
If you didn't already know, I sell glasses sometimes at my job. When the Doctor is gone I shimmy over to the Vision Center and help sell glasses. Now...cute, outgoing, fun, little kids are always a favorite customer of mine!
Just watching these little boys and girls choose their own glasses, and be picky about it, is just cute enough! But what makes me smile most every time I think of it...is what a couple kids have said when they find the pair of demo glasses, with demo lenses (aka, no prescription) that are their favorite...they say...
"OH WOW, these are the ones! I can see so much better already!"
Ha! It's just too cute! Duh, of course they can't see any better, but to them just putting glasses on helps them see better. Too cute!


  1. Haha! That is so cute!

  2. Amanda couldn't wait to get glasses when she was little! The excitement usually wears off when you want to go swimming or it's 100 degrees outside.

  3. I got new glasses a few weeks ago!
