
The Weekend.
I was just thinking...I kinda like that February only has 28 days (except for a leap year, of course, when it has 29). But I like the change up instead of the: 30 days, 31 days, 30 days, 31 days, etc., etc. February never goes into the 30's! You're cool February.
On another note...too bad work doesn't allow jeans as business attire. With the right shirt, hairdo, and accessories you can totally glam jeans! Too bad.
I just really like this ensemble...especially on a Saturday when I have errands to run and the public will see me. I do know that this is my next go-to-outfit when I need something to wear and I'm having a style-fart...get it? Instead of a brain-fart...a style-fart...cuz I can't think of what to wear? Hmmm.
 I need to go on the record and tell you...these boots were given to me as a birthday present (from my Mother) probably six years ago. I love them more now than I did then.
Hat/Beanie/Head Thingy...Target (Sale: $2)
Blouse...Gap (Thrifted)
Sweater...Gap (Sale...I also got it in purple...Dad would say, "Unnecessary." to which I respond, "I know.")
Jeans...Buckle (Free...someone nice cleaned out her closet and said, "Here.")
Boots...Route 66 (Birthday gift)

1 comment:

  1. gah! you are just about the cutest thing ever. i love the scale and color of this belt with the rest of this fabulous ensemble--perfect proportions. you look awesome!
    http://adayinlifetoo.blogspot.com (fellow remixer)
