It's starting. That itch to start packing! I will probably start with a list of must-haves and then start shifting through my closet. For those who don't know, I am an over-packer. Period. I will be living out of a suitcase for nine months. I can only take what I can carry by myself. Feel free to pray I can fit it all...I'm only joking a little.
Currently this week:
1. I started crocheting my niece or nephew a blanket. It's brown, wicked soft, and I should finish up today. It's amazing how addicting crocheting is once you start. Its only taken me four days.
2. Exactly one week from today is my sister's due date. Hopefully we don't have to wait that long!
3. I fly out in two weeks and one day. Whoo.
4. I had a Brit tell me, "There are pinboards on the wall for piccys." I will never again call pictures, pics...they are now piccys.
5. I'm a new member of Pinterest.
6. Getting excited to use my new notebooks at Capes. I haven't been in school for 2.5 years so it'll be fun to experience that again. The first time I write on fresh, never-before-used paper. Is it weird that I like that so much?
6. I've really gotten into tennis. I've been watching it everyday this week. How have I never loved it until this year?

cute amanda i miss you!