Today is quite a special day. As far as I know, this is probably the best birthday I have had in my life. Today the 6th of December, I am spending my 22nd birthday in a coffee café in Lancaster, England. What?! This morning at Bible School, I have had four lectures. Of the four, we’ve looked at the life of Abraham and then Paul’s Letters, 1 & 2 Corinthians. Also this morning, I was so chuffed*, I found out I share a birthday with our school principal Rob Whittaker! Between lectures I went across the room to say hello to a few friends. I got a 'Happy Birthday' from each and four of my male friends surprised me with a wrapped present. Tied onto the gift were three little Happy Birthday notes! One was even folded into a cute. He even clarified writing, 'open it' because he didn't want me to think he just gave me a heart...what a sweet surprise.
If it’s your big day, here at Capernwray, lunchtime means a ‘Happy Birthday’ song…from the whole school. Birthday people get the brilliant privilege of standing on their chair while the whole school sings ‘Happy Birthday’ in the dining hall. As you can imagine, this is every student’s favorite thing to do on his or her birthday. Everyone get to stare at you, standing on your chair, they get the lovely chance to look up your nose, while you awkwardly try to find the expression that’s appropriate for this 20-second torture. Half of the students look like horror puppet dolls trying to force excitement on their faces. Then there’s those introverts, the dear ones, who almost start crying as they begin to turn beat red, sweat beads appear on their foreheads, and they start to sway back and forth, about to faint. It’s the best! No worries, I did just fine. Instead of a cake for my birthday, my lovely roommates gave me exactly what I asked for…scrambled eggs. They were so delish, I think I ate them in less than 30 seconds! I was also blessed with an improv happy birthday rap (at my lunch table) and a birthday card from the Capernwray Staff. Thoroughly enjoying the day so far!
I was just gob-smacked* this week and last…I have received a total of six birthday cards from my families! I knew none were coming so it made it all the more sweeter. Thank you so much to all who sent something! It makes being away from home a bit easier.
On Sunday, my roommates and I had the chance to take over a staff members’ kitchen to back cookies and chocolate muffins. Uh-maze-ing. We baked, put in a movie, stoked the fire, and trucked back to the castle in haily rain and mud.
Now, I am (of course) loving every minute here in the U.K.! But, of course, I do miss a few things from home…
American burgers (meat in general actually)
Food from my parent’s fridge
My brown Bible
My guitar
My family
Orville Redenbacher Natural popcorn
Skim Milk
My Queen Bed
Evenings with my parents
Movies with the family
Good carpet
Instant Internet access (wireless that works)
My wardrobe
My shoes
Laughing with my sister
My church
Big News:
December 16-28 I am doing music for Christmas (Holiday) at Capernwray!
December 29-30 and January 5-6 I will be in London!
Best yet...December 30-January 5 I am in Paris! Paris, France. January 3-4 we will be visiting Normandy as well. I am so excited!
So…do I really get to live in Europe and study the Bible? Yes. Am I really going to Paris for New Years? Yes.
Thank you, Lord for this life you have given me.
Posh English Lingo:
*chuffed: happy
*gob-smacked: surprised
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