
Just Now I Realized...
that my blog title is wrong. I turned 21 last week! I must change my blog title...again. I've changed it a few times before I stuck with what I have, but I just can't seem to find one that really fits. Soo...this brain has begun storming. I will let you know ASAP when it's been decided and made official. But keep on the look out for the new address which will appear here, obviously, and also on my Facebook!
See ya then!
Yes, 21


It's Been How Long?
It has been a ridiculously long time since I've made an appearance on this blog. How terrible! Well, it's about to change. Again. I feel like I say that all the time (because I do)...but, this time is for real. Period.
Okay so...since it's been so long...here's a bit of what has happend since I've been gone.

1. Still working for an eye doctor
2. Still in Sioux Falls
3. Still have the same daily routine
4. My family and I went to Disney World for a week in October!
5. It was my Mom's 50th birthday on November 11th
6. Thanksgiving has come and gone
7. I turned 21...today
8. New plans for my future may be becoming reality
9. I learned guitar
10. We've had our first snow
11. And...Christmas is on it's way!

Now, don't worry..."I'll be back."