
These Too.
These are new too! I've decided gold jewelry is my fad for the time being. For a while, I always thought gold jewelry seemed "tacky" because it was so out of style. But if you pair it with dark tones...navy blue, black, deep purple, etc...it really pops. So today, since I'm wearing navy blue, I decided to jazz it with some gold jewelry! These (new) earrings are from another Aunt! Thanks Auntie MJ!
This bracelet? A garage sale! Thanks Mom!


"Wherever did you get these?!"
...I said to my mother! I was filling up a glass of water to accompany my salad, when my eyes fell upon these...sticking to our fridge.
So...can anyone guess her answer to my question?
"A garage sale!" she proudly stated. Of course, why did I even ask?
"How much did you pay for them?" another dumb question.
"25 cents!" she stated, again, satisfied with herself.
I proceeded to tell her that whenever I move out they are coming with me! They're just hilarious!
Here's a close up...
Whatever Shall I Do?


They're New.
Do you like my new scarf as much as me? It's just so...so..."awes".
Thanks Aunt H.K.
What else is new? My guitar! I've started learning and I love it. I can't believe it took me this long to actually just...do it!
Thanks for my guitar, paycheck.


I Baked A Loaf!
...of Bread that is!!! I am 20 years old and have officially made my first loaf of homemade bread! Oh it smells "delish" and I snagged a fresh, hot bite that stuck to the bottom of the pan on it's way out! OH, I can't wait to have a full slice drizzled in *Agave Nectar! It's so fun being healthy and making your own staple foods, like bread! I'm a bread-aholic...so I consider that one of my "staples"! And the cool thing about this bread is it's really kinda healthy ingredients (versus their alternatives)! The Agave Nectar is what makes the bread have a little sweetness...you would almost think there's sugar in that thing! Thanks for the recipe and instructions, Audj. It was too fun to make! So without further ado...my first loaf of Bready-Bread-Bread, Ever!!!
My Loaf and the Agave!
*Agave Nectar - If that's as new to you as it was to me the first time my sister introduced it to my pallet...it tastes like honey! Maybe even a little sweeter, if that's possible. But it's a perfect substitute for sugar and/or honey because guess what...100% pure sweetener! It's made purely from the juice of the agave. There are no additives or preservatives!