
I cannot even explain to you the way I feel about what you are about to see. I happened upon this website, my dream website, just the other day by complete accident. I was on Facebook...nothing new there...and a random ad was calling my name, from the top right hand corner of my screen. It called yelling, "Vintage Clothing...you know you want me, you know you do, so click here..HeRe..HERE!!!" Okay, not exactly that way, but the "Vintage Clothing" was really there. So...I clicked! My computer screen zoomed through the vortex of cyberspace and brought me into heaven on the screen. Lets just say, the pieces of fabric looming there before my eyes, took my breath away, I passed out, came back to life, and still thought I was in a dream! Some of you may think I am a bit ridiculous and may think of this as stupidity, but guys, I mean really...this was something else. I immediately thought of my sister knowing she will love this website just as much as I do! What's on this website you ask? Mod. Retro. Vintage...that's all I need to say. 1940's and 50's era clothing...shirts, pants, short, sweaters, swimwear, and DRESSES! In the words of my Grandpa DeBerg, "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!" Now...these pieces of clothing are 100% me, but 0% in my budget. Why is it always that way? The stuff you love is always out of price range...so disappointing. Just to put my Mother and Father at ease, I will let you know, that although all of these pieces of fabric should be hanging in my closet, none will come from this website. I keep all of these photos so I can remember what I'm looking for when I go to Saver's and Y's-Buy's. Now I can't tell you all about this clothing without showing them or telling you the website! So the website: http://www.modcloth.com/store -- and please, if you ever have any thought that you need to buy me a gift...go here for inspiration! You will never fail me!

My future closet...
(P.S. - You can click on the pictures to maximize
 P.P.S - All captions on the photos were done by me, not the website...don't drool on your keyboard!)

Amen. The End.


  1. LOVE IT!
    Especially the green and brown one on top.
    Idea in May . . . .let's raid Grandma's Dort's closets . . . .or just get permission to do it when she goes to heaven . . . .either way . . .I'm sure she has some cute stuff!
    Are these vintage clothes pretty pricey love?
    -Sarah Eileen Maurer

  2. OH I know I hope Grandma kept stuff :) These are pretty pricey and that's the stink of it all! Otherwise I would own all of these! :)

  3. Those clothes so look like you!! I could even see myself in some of them!! I love it!!

  4. Oh my goodness Amanda! I too have seen this ad and it had called mine name as well. And I actually ordered a dress several months ago from modcloth & I love it even though I have yet to wear it!

  5. oh and p.s. I agree modcloth is really pricey, but there is a store in the Mall of America called Heritage! It is fabulous you would love it! And this is their website, check it out! http://www.forever21.com/heritage1981/main.asp
