
Super Bowl!
I'm soooo sorry I have not posted these yet! Super Bowl Weekend was a huge distraction from this blog! From the games, to the food, to the people, and the snow storms! It was ridiculously fun and want to do it again with everyone next weekend! So, due to the fact I was not home and without a camera or my clothes, I have no pictures of my outfits on my body. But I fully intend on making up for that and maybe tacking them on to some future posts! So here's outfit number 5 anyway...
More about Super Bowl Weekend and outfits to come!

1 comment:

  1. Hello..fellow remixer here. I saw you on the remix list, wanted to say HI.
    I LOVE that skirt....the print is gorgeous....I'm sure your'e going to rock it:)

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Enter my Silver Lining Décor Jewelry Giveaway!!♥
