
Sidewalk Queues.

For a day off, today, I had the opportunity to visit Manchester. That's correct, thee Manchester; home of Manchester United. This means: Christmas shopping is accomplished, Christmas Markets were visited, a steak burrito was eaten, and Primark was shopped at. Now, I have never been in a city that was as bustling and busy as this was. You know when you go see a film at the cinema, and after the movie you file out of the theatre, kind of in a line, slowly shuffling your way out the door? Well that is the best way I can describe today. Not just in the stores, but on the streets and on the sidewalks. You literally moved at the pace that you would if you were in a queue. Ridiculous! 

After returning to Capes, we had an evening full of Christmas music, hot Apple Cider, Christmas Cookies, dancing, wood fire burning, and games. 

What a fun day! To finish it off...here is another Christmas gift tag:
Happy 1st of December!

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