
I promised a few weeks ago (over a month actually) that I would be posting a detailed list of my daily routine here at Capernwray. What you must understand is this is a brief (you won't believe that after you read it) overview of what happens around here. Of course there's a lot of things not listed here that take place, but here's a little sneak peek...

7:30am - Breakfast
8:00am - Start Work
8:00-9:00am -
Greet Graih (Head Housekeeper) - Catch up on important details of the day ahead of us
Check Fridge Temperatures (2 Fridges, 2 Freezers)
Turn on Hot Water and Coffee Machine
Set up coffee and water flasks for staff and student break
Check main floor bathrooms - refill toilet rolls and paper towels
Check cleaning store - make sure supplies are there for the students doing their duties
Fax Sheet order...bundle over 340 (dirty) sheets and pillowcases for pickup (Mondays)
Order cleaning supplies (Tuesdays)
Order sweets/pop for Beehive (Tuesdays)
Be available for, as the Brits call them, "sickies" that need attention
Make any Doctors appointments if necessary
Once water and coffee machines are heated, start filling flasks for break
Prepare trolley for staff break
9:00am -
Start laundry (usually just the dirty cleaning cloths used for duties, but sometimes towels or duvet covers as well)
Refill all toilet rolls and paper towels in the entire castle (25 bathrooms) and check soaps
9:40am - Fill Tea flask for staff break (can't do it any sooner otherwise the Tea gets too dark)
9:45am 10:15am - Staff Break/Prayer in the Quiet Lounge
Turn on dishwasher
10:15am - Move laundry into dryers
10:20am - prepare Student Break in Library (along with 3 staff from Dining Hall)
Check my post box
10:40am - 11:00am - Student Break (Pour over 170 cups of Tea and/or Coffee)
11:00am - 12:00am - Clean up Student Break and re-setup the Library (put everything away, run everything through the dishwasher, and tidy up)
12:00pm - 12:30pm - 
Go to kitchen to refill sugars, milk, etc. for tomorrow's break. Say hello to the rest of the kitchen staff and find out what's for lunch and steal a sample if available.
Fold cleaning cloths
Catch up with Graih
12:40pm - Announcements for students
"Just a few announcements for you guys..."
1. Those of you with a bathroom duty, please return the H1 spray bottles to the cleaning store, they seem to be disappearing and we need them back. 
2. Tomorrow is Sheet Change day, please prepare your rooms really well for cleaning day and strip your beds.
3. Boys...I have a small request to ask of you guys. As you know, I go around to each bathroom and refill toilet rolls and paper towels every morning. My only request is that you please, please, please, just flush your toilets. I mean really, I go in there and my esophagus burns it smells so bad. This morning only 1 of your 8 toilets were flushed. I would really appreciate it! :)
4. On another note...we seem to have a missing load of laundry. So whoever replaced their laundry load with the one that was already in Dryer #2, please let us know where that load disappeared to.
5. Girls...Zumba today at 2:00, see ya there!
6. If I could please Corky, Suzie, Timmy, and Sandy right after announcement that would be great.
7. And lastly...Sunday Night is Rock Solid! Coffee Shop Team, please be here by 7:00 and for everyone else, it begins at 7:30.
That's all from me, thanks guys."
(All of these examples are quoted from actual events. These were really announced)
12:45 - 1:07pm - Finish any bits that didn't get done earlier
1:15 - Lunch
2:00 - Clean Guest Speaker's rooms
Fill out Maintenance Repair Slips for anything needing fixing around the castle
4:30 - Done!

I am blessed to be a part of worship here at school. Whether it's a Sunday morning, evening, or a random Worship night, it's a real privilege to lead worship with the student body.

Growing relationships here is definitely my favorite part of the job. When work has finished for the day, it sure is a lot of fun to spend time with the students and enjoy a body of believers all day, everyday.

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